Its all optional

I love tulips, and daffodils, and spring, and gardening. Every year I look forward to doing my spring planters. But this year it just didn’t happen. With two weeks of Covid through the house I just didn’t do it. The best part is, I’ve found myself smiling at this planter of leftover sticks from our winter planter. I don’t feel disappointed in myself, I feel proud. I am proud that I remembered that everything is optional, that there is no requirement to do spring planters (or many of the things on my to do list) and that the art of motherhood is rolling with what life throws at you and letting some things drop in favor of pouring energy and presence into something else. I’m proud that I tilted lovingly into caring for my sick babies, finding sips of rest for myself and making endless pots of lemon, ginger, honey tea.

Spring still came. I can still enjoy the blooming flowers in other peoples gardens. And I can smile at my planter of sticks and celebrate my surrendering to what life throws at me.


look up


when to stop